The Voice

Waiting out the rain! Just got back from lunch with a friend at a place with NO ramp to the front door! They were very nice and otherwise helpful though, so I forgive them:) Plus, for future reference, they serve cold (not iced) water in stainless steal cups. That's the best way to serve it; keeps it so much cooler, with no ice to have to "drink around." Anyway, the first thing I saw in my Facebook feed was a brilliant invention that I'm sure won several awards. Gloves with a wrist band to secure them, they translate sign language AS the signer is signing, into English! How amazing, right?! I hope the cost isn't prohibitive, or at least that they're working on making it less so for the average American:) That also makes me wonder; do the gloves translate our country's sign language? That could create a problem even among fellow signers (the deaf community) themselves! On its face though, this is a fantastic idea, and there's so much room for growth. What if the gloves could translate sign from other countries into other country's language? Like Stephen Hawking's language board--he was British, but because the board was programmed in an American voice, so many people never heard HIS voice:( Maybe this "talking glove" as I'll call it will eventually have different dialects; that's something else that could be on the horizon for it! Think of the travel implications; somebody deaf on an airplane would have no problem being understood by the staff any more! Now those who can't afford to have an interpreter travel with them will be just fine traveling the world on their own. Think how much easier that will make life for teenage deaf students aching to break out of their shells, just like any typical teenager. Again there's the price issue:( I hope it's reasonable. Everyone--not just Marlee Matlin, Nyle DiMarco or other hearing-impaired celebrities--should have access to this life changer:) Clearly there are technicalities to be worked on. Languages, dialogues, the ability of the talking glove to recognize International Sign...all need to be adjusted just a little. But overall, the formerly silent and hidden are now out in the world with a voice, and THAT is thrilling.


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