Kind Hands

And now, after another varied and fulfilling day downtown, let me say thanks to the Asian-Pacific Festival organizers (one of whom I met tonight at a museum event) and The New Hotel Mertens, who (though new in town) have rapidly become my favorite place to show off my city, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Although in some ways I am lucky because my disability requires a mobility aid, making everyone around me more than eager to help make MY life easier, some disabilities, like perhaps a reading difficulty or a visual impairment, are not as obvious to others. That's why a small, written description of events, or something as simple as a phone number to call if ever I need some one's assistance getting in the door, is hugely appreciated!! You can't imagine what it means to be considered in this world. Don't just assume I have it all figured out! Extending a kind hand changes my whole day:)


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