
Aren't connections wonderful?! Over the weekend I've found myself with utterly motionless sails. That is to say, I had no motivation to do or accomplish much of anything--not even add to my blog:( Maybe it's just that I was holding my breath for the tiny bit of rain that finally arrived yesterday, or the subconscious need to see if the world would miss me if I "checked out" for a little while--the experiment was a success! Despite very little sleep last night, I got myself to church this morning to fulfill a commitment I'd made months ago. In May or June when the nursery had been heavy-handedly recruiting volunteers to help out, I signed up to help out every single weekend in July! I told myself that was the right thing to do, and would make up for every other weekend during the year, when I'm NOT volunteering. Well wouldn't you know it, I forgot to sign in to the nursery this morning! In my rush to find a seat in the cool, reverent, surrounded by friends atmosphere of the sanctuary, signing in completely slipped my mind:( So, there went THAT one connection. Thence came several more!! Sat next to friends who had to leave early so they wouldn't miss a minute of the World Cup Finals today; Croatia and France! What a matchup:) I confessed I wouldn't even know who to root for, as clueless as I am about this particular sporting event. I've since learned that Croatia is kind of the dark horse to win, and a bit of an underdog, so of course the bleeding heart in me would probably ultimately rejoice if CROATIA won. On the other hand, there is a drop or two of French blood in my heritage, so probably based on just that alone, I would be cheering on the fleur de lis:) Many connections were revisited after the service! Everyone is so friendly and wonderful there. And these days when it's unbearably hot, a place of peace with air conditioning, where everybody is friendly, lifts up the heart. Not that I don't love and run my OWN AC as often as I can. Just that it's nice to know at the end of my uphill "journey" of about two minutes on foot in the unrelenting heat, there's a wonderful reward waiting for me. The last thing that happened was I was approached once more about the article I wrote for the church newsletter weeks ago, that meant a lot to some one! It is really wonderful to know that what I wrote mattered so much. After talking to many different kinds of people and thoroughly enjoying myself, leaving church is always a little sad. No matter how nice the food waiting at home or the comfiness of my couch, part of me is still initially very sad to have to come home to my dark (by design; all the shades are drawn to block the sun that hurts my eyes!), quiet, kinda lonely apartment. But today I got a surprise letter that changed ALL of that! It's that little connection, and the writing of this blog to break the monotony and the silence, that make it easier to face the prospect of a whole week to come. I will leave you with. It's also an uplifting story about a girl with CP who's making all the best of it that she can, connecting with untold numbers of people in ways I bet she can't even imagine, having finally found a way to express herself through art; it's truly inspiring to see:) What a sweet story for a Sunday.


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