Home and Family

Tomorrow the City bus (and presumably the "short bus" for the Disabled that's run by the same company) will not be running. I count my blessings that a friend who no doubt knows this, has invited me to join her and her family! But what of those who have to get to work? Or who will miss their family and friends who've gathered just for the holiday? Trust me, as some one with mobility concerns, I can tell you we're all a little sick of having to "miss everything" because we don't drive or can't afford a cab in this town. I understand why the bus is giving its employees a day off; they've been working especially hard lately with a cluster of super hot "Ozone Action" days where riding the bus is free. But even so, I'm seeing a lot of "Ableism" in this decision. Especially since pretty much the entire state of Michigan more or less just ASSUMES that everyone has a car or other means of transportation. This is not the case. A lot of people who ride the bus don't qualify for benefits from the government, but they don't make enough at the jobs they get as disabled workers--to afford a car that will take them there. So what happens then? Do they have to forfeit their jobs because the transit system is making them miss a day? I would hope they'd all have a friend who could take them:( Myself, happily, I've just run all the "bus errands" I needed to run today, and tonight I'm going to some fireworks. Thank God for generous friends. Happy Fourth of July everybody! And if you can, just stay in and enjoy the AC. If not, be careful and stay hydrated! https://www.google.com/search?q=happy+4th+of+july&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjW2Inq7YPcAhWh54MKHZnlA0wQ7AkIQg&biw=1396&bih=636#imgrc=vMelzXxpfpYa9M:&spf=1530652763102


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