Sunday feels

Happy cooler, quieter, slower, softer Sunday to you all! I've been to and returned from church; I consider my "trips" for the day taken; I'm in no hurry to go out walking. But I will go up and down the stairs to the top floor; I've decided that's how I'm going to "get my steps in" so to speak. No need to leave the building, no need to worry about transportation or a faulty sense of direction; I'll get my workout without leaving home, thank you. But I WON'T surrender another day to watching TV, just 'cause it's too dang hot to go anywhere. It's definitely not too hot to go anywhere. But nor do I feel like going for a walk or to a gym. I don't even have a membership anywhere so you would be a poor choice to start my workout plan there! My mind wandered during the service; I couldn't tell you one thing that it was really about:( Singing "Rock of Ages" as our closing hymn is the only part that my mind retained. Mea culpa:) But during Fellowship afterward I was invited to sit with a large group of "sometimers", as I like to call them. They live in Florida most of the year, but come up to Michigan during the summer, as many of our congregants do. It was a good time, but I had a cup of regular coffee that was the first caffeine I've had all week, and it made me gag! So I guess it's confirmed that my body does not like caffeine any more, and although the morning wake up is tougher without that little buzz, I'm sure once I get used to it, it'll cease to be a problem. The cooler weather makes me actually wish I had some hot chocolate on hand; I feel like that would be just the right pick-me-up. Plus I still have a partial bag of mini marshmallows that would just love to swim in a cup of cocoa now and then. This summer sure does drag on. Barely the end of July and already I'm longing for "cozy." Maybe it's just 'cause I'm excited for the imminent arrival of my cousin's baby boy, or that of an old Facebook acquaintance's twins! Or maybe the sound of a little kid on the street below playing with clangy wind chimes is making me nostalgic for gusts of wind and swirling storms. It never fails to delight and surprise me when the streets of this part of the city fall silent. And it's usually on a Sunday. The peace and quiet are so unlike the neighborhood I left, that was a busy suburb full of young families and retired people, everybody up at all hours of every day or night, living excited lives. Like they had no idea there are those without all THEY had. I know that's not true. I know they were a compassionate community that helped anyone whenever they could. My late fiancé and I were frequent recipients of their generosity; somebody would often mow or lawn for free or trim our hedges. And in the winter we were often surprised by a snow plow. Suffice it to say I'm glad I don't have a lawn to be concerned with now, and I'm happy where I am.


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