Taking a rest...

Today has been extremely slow, which after the weekend I've had is exactly what I needed! That's the beauty of the freedom I have--I can "take a personal day" if I need it, and get back in the fray when the sun rises. I am always grateful for this. Grateful every day. Grateful every minute! And given that the bright red sun-burn I got on my chest yesterday lingers today with the same hot-pink intensity...I'm glad I don't have to venture out into the world if I don't want to. My plans for the rest of this marvelous day include chores and ordering groceries. Last night, it occurred to me that the high chlorine levels in the GR water just might be a little bad for my fragile human system, so I finally climbed a step ladder and got down a big box of little bottles of distilled water. I'd bought them in a survivalist panic years ago, before Management figured out how to keep the power from going out to our building every time there was a thunderstorm. Now I figure if I intend to LIVE until the "zombie apocalypse" or whatever, I should probably drink more water that is less capable of killing me slowly:) I find it amusing, really:) The brand name of the distilled water is Voss, and the Netflix show I've been obsessed with lately has a character with the same last name. So this is like "atmospheric TV watching"! Kinda. Also today I'm busy tracking down my resume, to apply for a part time job in the area. I'd probably still have to take a bus to get to said employment, but according to the recording for the city bus line...that's the "number one reason some one gets on a bus" anyway! So I'd be joining a good crowd. Which is assuming I get the job of course, which I'm not really holding out a lot of hope for:( The Disabled learned a while ago it's safer not to expect much, which will help if there happens to be disappointment. Just like the rain. Heavy clouds are gathering, it LOOKS like it just might get wet out there...but I know better than to wistfully stare at the news network forecasts and think "they might be wrong" when there's not a drop forecast. Better just to enjoy the shade:) Off I go, another day another dollar(????)


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