We All Need an Advocate
Ever since my post entitled "Imminent Vacation", I've been thinking I should add posts featuring individuals and organizations supporting the "cause" of helping and advancing the Disabled claim their rights.
Right here in Kent County, we have someone on our side more than capable of fitting that bill. There are so many, many disabled people here--and a growing number considering more of us are aging and BECOMING disabled. They're just beginning to see what a lot of us have known for a while; we need as many people in our corner as possible! The Disabled Community needs advocates! Myself, I've been extremely lucky with a supportive circle around me that expands all the time. And I've been blessed with the ability to advocate for MYSELF pretty well if needs be. But there are so many others--passing below my apartment window as we speak actually--with no one to fight for them, and without the words or wherewithal to fight for themselves. That's why somebody like Brad and the outreach and what he does for this area is so very needed. Thanks, guy! There should be more of you on our side.
Unfortunately, my account isn't showing embedded video right now (I'm guessing I have the Fourth of July celebrants to thank for that!) So the link to the story is in the comments.