
Another busy day, though it started about a half hour later. Dealing with idiots has been the worst part about it;) But I got to spend a lovely afternoon at a friend's family's house on a lake in Muskegon, so that was worth the trouble! Getting up and down from the lake itself was a challenge; a looooong, steep stairway to the beach, then a very narrow, serpentine path through some tall grass to ANOTHER obstacle: a sturdy wooden ladder (to prevent beach erosion somehow, is what I heard). I was surrounded by helpful people though, so I had only the bare minimum of difficulty getting to the water. First song that came to mind? Zac Brown Band singing "Toes in the Water". But my afternoon was without any cold beer:( Then I felt like Dory, from Disney Pixar's "Finding Dory", 'cause I just loved the sand. Squishing it between my fingers, patting it flat with my palm; I even loved the feel of it on my dry skin; it's been a long time since I've gotten to really enjoy sand. It's so hard for me to walk in, I usually don't even bother trying to go out on a real beach. Plus I inevitably feel like a burden on most people who DO help me walk on sand. If I roll my ankles or stutter step trying to keep my balance and NOT fall or take them down with me, I feel just a teeny bit guilty/selfish for asking them to take me along. Maybe this is why I didn't leap at the chance to take advantage of a beach and jet ski on the 4th of July. I didn't end up doing a whole lot, besides wade a little ways and talk to my helper/rock to lean on, the mother of the woman who owns the lake house. But it was really nice; I did not even mind the sun being directly on us. There was plenty of time for talk and lounging by the water; then back up to the house where everyone (being proud nerds) was playing games on their devices! Once upon a time, "devices" had pages and bindings, and no touch screens. That's the kind of thing I brought; a book I got to read in the shade before an early dinner. A great afternoon! But now I think I've had all the summer I can stand, which is unfortunate because there's so much more to be had! Well, maybe I'll feel different after a good night's sleep and a late night "snack" instead of a proper dinner. Also have to shower and rid myself of this yummy-smelling sunscreen (quintessential summer) and lingering grains of sand! I've said it before and I'll probably say it again: "Amelia out." So sleepy!


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