Simple surprises

Today was s surprising day:) First, my favorite radio station that usually just plays local or non-label artists, played one of my favorite old rock songs while I was getting ready to head out! Put me in such a good mood, I left the radio playing when I left, to maintain the fantasy that the same song would be playing when I returned. Later, I found out that an allergic reaction to latex balloons, for me, now starts with increased saliva and a cold sensation on my tongue. Secondly, I learned that if I get the heck out of the area, it's no longer a problem for me, and the symptoms stop before they even become a problem. Then I tried a different branch of a pharmacy I frequent, in a part of town where I lived with Michael but RARELY go to any more, and found myself once again praising "the curb-cut effect", as I used a real ramp they had installed at the end of their sidewalk, rather than just a steep little slant that's supposed to be sufficient but really just means you have to get a running start to get enough momentum to propel yourself into the store without being stopped by the slope of the ramp that's supposed to help you. There have been many, many times I've gone to the closest branch, the one I'm most familiar with, and been so disappointed with THEIR ramp situation. I've thought over and over again how their sidewalks should gently slope down at the ends, so people with aids can ease into the parking lot, let cars see them before they enter the flow of traffic, rather than being immediately forced to take their life in their hands as soon as they exit the store because it's the only ramp, or walk all the way around and then back down off the curb. Talk about a hassle. Finally, speaking of people with aids, I saw a young girl like me with a cane! I know that's less awkward than a walker, and in a perfect world you're probably more likely to see somebody my age WITH a cane than a walker. But I'd just come from two busses, where the only other people with mobility aids were a few older ladies and one man in a motorized wheelchair with an oxygen tank:) They were sweet, all of them. But seeing another person my age unafraid to admit to herself the convenience of a mobility aid in her life--that was kind of thrilling. So, apologies for taking so long to write today! But as you can hopefully tell, it's been kind of a whirlwind. I came home (safe and sound and allergy symptom free, thanks to one little pink pill (purchased at the most convenient branch of my preferred pharmacy)… and gave in to the somniferous effects of an antihistamine. If you've never had to take one, feel blessed! They make you very sleepy. Luckily I was home on my couch, free to indulge that sleepiness all I wanted, thank God. The final, possibly best surprise of the day? The serving size for the kind of cookies I got at the pharmacy (after that almost-reaction, I felt like comfort food) is FOUR cookies! Not just one like so many other kinds of cookies, and like I was expecting! Though I might have snuck one or two more than the serving size in all honesty; it was a nice surprise!


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