The Day's Events

This morning/afternoon was wonderful. Especially 'cause it bore little resemblance to the morning/afternoon I envisioned when I got up! Which by the way was much earlier than usual for me:) Went to an event this morning, at a high school. There were virtually NO accessibility features. Even outside! But outside the problem was that was that some smart guy parked his VAN right in front of the only ramp in the curb. And the accessible entrance for the auditorium required me to go out and around the building, off the curb to the street a couple of times...but I didn't blame the event organizers for not researching the location. It was big enough, and there was a packed house! And when all was said and done, I got to sit in the front row:) Yes, it was a little annoying that I had to go out of my way. I enjoyed myself, and it was worth it. And I know for a fact that now the organizers will make sure their future venues are accessible to ALL:) And that makes me feel really, really good. Once the event finished, it was lunch time. I thought I had a plan, but I did not. Turns out through many up and down walks down the street looking for the right bus stop, I just hopped on the one I KNEW was wrong, trusting I'd figure out a lunch spot somewhere along the way. And I ended up at a place with many fellow event goers! I invited myself to join them, knowing we had a common interest/conversation starter, and we had a wonderful time. Great food, great drinks--and it was happy hour, so everything was extremely, beautifully inexpensive. AND, one of my lunch mates/new friends brought me home!!! I hoped I'd meet some one at the event who might give me a ride home...but I never expected somebody at my next stop!!! It was a great surprise. Got home and crashed on my couch for hours. I'd gotten up much earlier than usual--the moon was still full and bright in the sky. Then there was the exciting but inconvenient event, walking in the sun, chatting with my new friends, riding home...I was beat. Flipped on the TV and tuned out:) Ergo, the late blog entry! But reliving the day's events with you was nice. Isn't it nice when a day comes together?!


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