Include Us All

All I've got for you today; actually a wonderful story. With my right eye paralyzed "crossed", the two don't work together. This means I can't see a 3D movie; to watch one at all gives me a headache. This means I have to wait longer than others to see a nationally released movie, until the "real D" or just 2D--version is released, often after the release of IMAX and 3D. So yeah, I think this explanation is very apt; we need an "open caption" day. Or several showings a week. They do that on a limited basis in the beginning of a film's release, with IMAX and 3D. Why are they ostracizing the deaf community? Why are those of us with extra considerations STILL considered less important, less HUMAN than everyone else who goes to the movies? WATCH THIS, and see if your heart doesn't grow three sizes.


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